Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Rabbi Goldstein gives a historic overview of zionism and the creation of the zionist state, explaining its incompatibility with Judaism.
Neturei Karta (Jews against zionism)
23 December 2001

Rabbi Goldstein explained to his Muslim audience that whilst for Mr. Arafat and the Palestinian Authority its a political struggle and they may compromise with the zionist state and settle for 50%, 25% or whatever they can get, he cannot do that. Ideologically religious Jews cannot recognise any part of the zionist state.

"...The Muslims people basically got involved in the fight against zionism when it started effecting them on a political basis which is 1917 for the Palestinians or afterwards for some of the other Arab countries, We [religious Jews] were in this fight from the 1890's roughly... As soon as it was founded [zionism], it was condemned - Jews came out and said this is atheistic, this is idol worship..."

Operation Magic Carpet - How the zionists got the Jews from Yemen to come to their zionist state... and how they stole their babies and sold them!


Bahagian 1

Bahagian 2

Bahagian 3

Bahagian 4

Bahagian 5


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