Friday, March 6, 2009

“We are disappointed and my client is disappointed,”


From International Herald Tribune
By Razak Ahmad; Writing by David Chance;
Editing by David Fox

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy trial has been transferred to the High Court in a move that his lawyers have said in the past could prejudice the 62-year-old’s chances of a fair hearing.

Anwar was only released from prison in 2004 after being sentenced in the late 1990s on what he said were trumped up sodomy and corruption charges and returned to parliament last August when he won a by-election in a seat held by his wife.

Thursday’s ruling by a judge at a Kuala Lumpur High court will be appealed against by Anwar, one of his lawyers said.

“We are disappointed and my client is disappointed,” Sankara Nair, one of Anwar’s lawyers told journalists after the hearing.


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