Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Whose dick is MACC sucking?

From: Malaysia Today

MCA has admitted it has RM2 billion in assets without being able to account for it and show where the money came from. The MCA President flew in Tiong’s private jet without paying while he is supposed to be investigating Tiong’s misconduct involving RM12.5 billion of the rakyat’s money. Tiong also gave the MCA President RM10 million in cash, which MCA says does not reflect in the party’s accounts book. Yet the MACC is still sleeping. Or are they actually sucking the dick of those who walk in the corridors of power?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The MCA treasurer, Tan Sri Tee Hock Seng says, MCA has assets of RM2 billion. How did a political party amass such wealth? Did the office bearers of this political party use their public offices as Ministers, etc., to procure personal and political donations?

The Kuala Dimensi CEO, Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing, has accused the MCA President, Ong Tee Keat, of using his company’s private jet without paying and of receiving RM10 million in cash as a donation. Ong has admitted to the use of the jet but is now prepared to pay for it. Similar donations were also given to MCA Wanita Chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun. Chew has not denied the donation but said it went to the party and not to her personally. These are admissions of "corrupt gratification" as defined in MACCA.

According to the MACCA, all the above are criminal acts and these people should be hauled in and charged. After all, they have not denied the act and have actually admitted to the allegations.

To assist the MACC, Malaysia Today is going to do some community service by helping the MACC with a short law lecture, which we will call ‘MACCA for MACC idiots’.

Read more at "Whose dick is MACC sucking? "


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