Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ku Li: Who has harmed Malay Rulers more than Umno?

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 16 – His destiny might not lie in leading Umno but Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah might just be the best person to handle and put a budding public and political disenchantment with a section of the Malay royalty in perspective, particularly Ummo’s perceived role of protecting the Malay Rulers.

Writing in his weblog today, the Kelantan prince said the current Perak imbroglio is not the country’s first constitutional crisis as Umno itself confronted the Malay Rulers in 1993 when it campaigned to remove their immunity through amendments to the Federal Constitution.

“Today’s crisis in Perak is about the legitimacy of the process by which a new state government has been formed in Perak. It’s not about the status of the Rulers,” Tengku Razaleigh said in his latest post titled “1993”.

read the rest here...


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People may have different views on one thing. It is a matter of perspective. I have my own when I look the thing through my spectacles.

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