Saturday, February 7, 2009

the Sultan of Perak had no powers under the state constitution to “hire or fire” a menteri besar

Sumber: Tranungkite

"Constitutional expert professor Aziz A Bari today said that the Sultan of Perak had no powers under the state constitution to “hire or fire” a menteri besar.

He said that while that was the position before independence, the post-Merdeka constitution made it very clear that the menteri besar does not hold office at the sultan’s pleasure.

“The state constitution, along with the federal constitution, states that the menteri besar holds the office at the sultan’s pleasure subject to the provision of the menteri besar holding the confidence in the state assembly,” he told Malaysiakini.

“The important factor to consider here is Article 16(6) of the Perak constitution which states that the menteri besar shall only step down if he ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the legislative assembly.

“And that too only unless at his request, the sultan dissolves the legislative assembly,” he added.

`Under normal circumstances,it is taken for granted the Agong would not withold his consent to a request for dissolution of Parliament.His role is purely formal’
per Raja Azlan Shah,Constitutional Monarchy,Rule Of Law and Good Governance.

Terjermahan secara harfiah:

Di dalam keadaan biasa,Agong tidak boleh menahan dari memberikan perkenannya diatas permintaan untuk membubarkan Parlimen. Kewajiban tersebut semata-mata bersifat formaliti.

Petikan diatas di pungut dari sebuah buku yang mana penulisnya bukan kepalang manusia.Penulisnya pernah menjadi,inter alia, Ketua Hakim Negara (Lord President),Yang Di Pertuan Agong dan sekarang ini seorang Sultan di Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan (teman saya sdr.L ManKadir Samsi,dalam blognya ).Buku tersebut menyerlahkan sifat kecendiakawanan (intellectuallity) sang penulis yang cukup hebat.


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