Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hitler Hidup Kembali

Saya tetarik dengan kata-kata Hitler:

Aku sengaja tidak membunuh keseluruhan kaum Yahudi (Jews), agar golongan ini menjadi saksi dan akhirnya dunia tahu mengapa mereka ini aku bunuh .....

Saksikanlah Video yang saya petik dari Blog sahabat kita di Palestine:

Watch the shocking parallels here and for proof that Hitler lives on!


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People may have different views on one thing. It is a matter of perspective. I have my own when I look the thing through my spectacles.

'The Universal Declaration of Human Rights indicates'

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers"

MACC Downfall Parody

Hitler lives on!

Watch the shocking parallels here and for proof that Hitler lives on!

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